jVideoDirect 2.3
jVideoDirect is an innovative and feature-rich component for Joomla 1.5 native.
We use ajax technology to craft jVideoDirect in many places. jQuery is widely used to enhance it's speed, effect and user friendliness. jVideoDirect also handle up to 2 video qualities namely SD and HQ/HD.We have incorporated lot of details in each features and functions. We cannot cover all here. The best way to experience by yourself.
For Users
Users are going to have fun with it. Apart from all other standard features like "add to favorite", 'add to playlist' and etc… Users can create their own channels. Assign name to channel and share to all their friends with a very short permalink url. Users can also share a private channel to non site registered friends. All this friend needed is the password for this channel assigned by channel owner.
Not only channels can be shared, groups and even a single video can be shared by users using the same method.
With the integration of CB or Jomsocial, users love staying at your site with jVideoDirect.
For Administrators
We aim for easy management. A clean and simple backend administration layout is designed exactly for this purpose. We operate video site too. We know exactly what we need to manage it.
For Developers
We have incorporated a plugin system for developer to develop add-on to jVideoDirect.
Players, video grabbers, on-event trigger plugins can be developed through the use of the plugin system
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